Copy keycloak.ktab file to
<Saga Directory>\volumes\authority\docker-entrypoint.d
In LDAP provider configuration, turn on Kerberos integration and fill in details according to screen below
Set Allow Kerberos authentication to ON
Set your Kerberos Realm (ie.
)Set your Server principal according to spn set on domain user (ie.
)Point to keytabfile ie.
if you have copied ktab to<Saga Directory>\volumes\authority\docker-entrypoint.d
If you want to debug your configuration, set Debug to On.
Set Use Kerberos For Password Authentication to On.
Configuring Active Directory group mappings
This feature enables you to configure group mappings from Active Directory to Authority Service. The group mapper may be used to convert Active Directory groups from a specific branch of an LDAP tree to Authority Service groups. Additionally, it will import user-group mappings from Active Directoryto Authority Service user-group mappings.
In LDAP provider configuration go to the Mappers tab
Add new mapper of type
Configure as in example below
Enter LDAP GRoups DB specific for your AD setup
as Mapperd Group Attribute to import group sids
Active Directory user federation through LDAPS requires that the domain controller has a valid SSL certificate issued by a well-known authority.