How to contact Support Team:
There are 3 ways to contact Support.
If you have any issues, problems or Locator/Supervisor related questions please create a ticket in our Jira ticket System. This can be done in two ways:
Describe the issue in detail.
Attach logs (error and fatal) and related screenshots.
ViaWorks: %ProgramData%\VirtualWorks\ViaWorks\Log\
Locator / Supervisor: %ProgramData%\Ayfie\Locator\Log\
Installation logs: %Temp%
Describe steps to recreate the issue.
If there was any troubleshooting performed please described what kind.
Provide product name and version. Confirm if this is production server or any other.
Remote session
Some issues may require a remote session in order to address or troubleshoot an issue. There are three standard elements of such sessions: