In regards to rules one should note that the empeses in this tutorial is on how to use rules and not so much on how to go about implementing them. There is a relative steep learning curve for creating rules that will be covered in details in the yet to be publised Advanced Rule Tutorial.
Ayfie Locator Saga Architectural Overview describes the overall Ayfie architecture. Below we have copied the graphics that shows the part of that architecture that relates to the Rules Engine:
To insert and test the rule, do the following.
Click the green Rule Engine Editor icon
Insert the XML from above into the editor
Click the green test button below and verify that the resulting document field is as intended
After now having tested and verified that the rule works, save the rule like this:
Name the rule Hello World! by replacing the “CUSTUM_RULE_<DATE>” string in the input field below the rule XML
Click the blue Save New Rule button down to the right
For the rule we just made to take effect, the document has to pass through the index pipeline. That is, it has to be re-indexed. In this simple single document case, that is easiest done by just re-fetching the document as shown in the graphic below for using the same document id as we have used earlier to test the rule.
Locator comes with a large number of factory prepared search fields that are tailored to known and well established Locator use cases across the Ayfie customer base. In addition Locator also has what is referred to as dynamic search fields that are template type fields that can be used as the basis for creating new customized search field on the fly to address unique customer requirements. Below we have listed the two that will be used in this tutorial. For a more in-dept explanation in regard to dynamic fields, consult with https://ayfie-dev.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=3073769489 Dynamic Fields Explained.
via_ti_: An Ayfie prepared field (via) of type text (t) that will be indexed (i). Text in this field can be searched word by word.
via_tsi_: The same type of field as the one above except that data in this field will also be stored (s) in the indexed and displayed with the search result.
via_sid_: An Ayfie prepared field (via) of type string (s) that will be indexed (i) and have docValues (d) which is good for refiners. The string stored in this field can only be searched in its entirety from end to end and not word by word.