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# Supervisor User Guide * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Key Features](#key-features) * [Accessing the Report Engine](#accessing-the-report-engine) * [Open Items in Reports](#open-items-in-reports) * [User Management](#user-management) * [Using the Report Engine](#using-the-report-engine) * [Administrator Settings](#administrator-settings) * [SMTP Configuration](#smtp-configuration) * [Dashboards](#dashboards) * [The Dashboard](#the-dashboard) * [Manage](#manage) * [Widgets](#widgets) * [Reports](#reports) * [List of Reports](#list-of-reports) * [Create a Report](#create-a-report) * [All Snapshots](#all-snapshots) * [Archived Reports](#archived-reports) * [List of Available Fields](#list-of-available-fields) * [Report Scheduler](#report-scheduler) * [Create a schedule](#create-a-schedule) # Introduction Supervisor is a report engine that runs on top of the Saga Platform. In the following, any reference to the *report engine* is a reference to Supervisor. With the report engine you can create reports based on the indexed data. The data could come from a variety of data sources like your Fileserver, MS Exchange, MS SharePoint or your CRM, ERP or more. You can use predefined reports that support your use case as your starting point, or you can create your report from scratch. The fields included in the report can be from multiple sources: * Metadata on the documents * Platform fields in the Saga Platform, such as the repository id and repository name * Fields extracted with Lingo from the content of the documents, such as personally identifiable information. * Fields generated by custom rule created in the Rules Engine. Unlike Locator that only retrieves information that the users have access to, Supervisor is a super user product that retrieves all documents without any security trimming. ## Key Features * Configurable reports, add and remove fields as you like. * Report preview with sorting. * Export reports into csv, excel or pdf format. * Schedule reports to be automatically created at any given time. * Automated emailed of generated reports. * Graphical visualizations of report data. * Advanced user management. ## Accessing the Report Engine The report engine is accessed through a web page hosted from the Saga platform server. To access the web page, enter the report engine URL into a browser from within your company network: https://server_name/report-engine. In order to put the power of the report engine to work, you must first be given the appropriate permissions by a Supervisor administrator, see [User Management](#user-management). With the appropriate permissions assigned, you can log into the system using your standard Windows username and password. Your username can be in the form of domain\username or Check the "Remember me!" box if you wish to save your credentials. The system will encrypt your information and reuse it the next time you want to access the report engine. ## Open Items in Reports The Open action in the Supervisor uses Locator's Open feature. There are two requirements in order for the Open action to be available to a user: 1. The user must have the ayfie Content Handler installed on their client. 2. The user account must be in the same Active Directory domain as the Saga platform server. # User Management The user management is handled by the Authority Service. The Authority Service is a user management solution built on the Keycloak platform. The Authority Service is shipped with a pre-configured administrative account. This account will grant you access to the master realm's administration panel and will grant you the ability to create additional realms and users, register applications, manage user federation, identity brokering and managing users. To configure the Authority Service with the pre-configured administrative account and manage Supervisor permissions, consult [Saga Installation Guide]( # Using the Report Engine The report engine utilizes the powerful indexing platform and universal index that aggregates data from multiple data sources and allows you to report on it. You can access all the data from a single convenient interface. The platform extracts things like file names, titles, metadata such as author, date created, date modified, where the data is stored and more. With the power of Lingo, advanced grammars, dictionaries, regular expressions and rules make the system even more powerful by organizing the unstructured document content so it can be easily reported on. Person names, organizations, expressions of time, locations, personally identifiable information, bank account numbers etc. are extracted from the unstructured document content. ## Administrator Settings The Administrator Settings menu is available in the top right corner for users with appropriate permissions. ### SMTP Configuration This page allows administrators to configure their SMTP server to enable emailing reports. The configuration settings are: * Host address Enter the SMTP address for your email provider * Port Enter the SMTP port number for your email provider * Sender email address Enter the email address reports will be sent from * Test email recipient address Enter an email address to test sending and receiving emails * Enable SSL Check this if the SMTP and port support SSL Enter credentials for a SMTP user otherwise leave blank to send mail to the server anonymously. Note: If using Gmail for SMTP, the "Allow less secure apps" setting must be enabled on this page ## Dashboards The dashboards provide a visual representation of the data within report snapshots. The data can be presented in charts, graphs, or tables called widgets. Multiple dashboards can be created to visualize data in multiple reports. ### The Dashboard When navigating to the Dashboard module for the first time, the only option is to view the Dashboard Manager where a new dashboard can be created. Once a dashboard has been created, navigating to the dashboard page will display the default dashboard. If a public dashboard is set as default, it becomes the default for all users unless a user sets a private dashboard as their personal default. The name of the displayed dashboard appears in a drop down navigation menu at the top of the page. This menu displays the available dashboards and allows the user to switch between them. The default dashboard can be changed in this menu by clicking the check-mark. The tool bar includes buttons for * Viewing the Dashboard Manager * Adding a widget to the currently displayed dashboard. When a new widget is selected, the settings window will be displayed to configure the new widget. * Saving any changes made to the dashboard such as adding, removing, changing or reorganizing widgets * Changing report snapshot from the report history that is being presented in the widgets allowing you to view historic data. * Running the report associated with the dashboard to generate a new report snapshot. When the report snapshot is finished, the dashboard will display the new data The main section of the dashboard view is the widgets. Each widget can be configured separately and reorganized by dragging and dropping them. See the ayfie Widgets article for details configuring the various types of widgets. One option in the Report History is the "Live Data" option. The "Live Data" option will read it's information directly from the index, instead of reading information from a report snapshot, and thus have less functionality than a fully generated report snapshot. Only the Total Count operation is available for "Live Data". ### Manage The Dashboard Manager displays a table of all dashboards that you have created and those created by other users that are public. The Dashboard Manager provides several options to search and sort the dashboard table. To sort by a column, click the column header to sort in ascending or descending order.By default, 5 rows are displayed per page. The number can be changed by updating the "Number of rows" field in the top right corner. If the rows don't fit on one page, links to the additional pages appear under the table. You can also search for a specific dashboard by using the search field in the top right corner. The action menu provides these options: * Edit Edit the dashboard * Delete Delete the dashboard * View Open the selected dashboard in the Dashboard View * Set As Default Select the dashboard as the default one #### Create a new dashboard 1. Click the + icon to open the New Dashboard window 2. Give the new dashboard a Name (required) and Description (Optional) 3. Choose a report to associate with the dashboard * Only 1 report can be associated with each dashboard 4. Check whether to make the new dashboard the default dashboard and/or public * If a dashboard is made public and set as the default, it will become the default for all users * If a dashboard is kept private and made the default, it will override the public default dashboard for only the current user 5. Click Save when finished 6. Next view the new dashboard and add widgets. See the Widgets specific guides for setting up new widgets. ### Widgets The available widgets are: * Bar Chart Displays the count of each data field in a bar graph * Grouped Bar Chart Displays the count of a selected data type (Y-Axis) grouped by another data type (X-Axis) as a bar graph * Area/Line Chart Displays the count of a selected data type (Y-Axis) against another date type (X-Axis) as line graph * Pie Chart Displays the count of each data field in a pie chart * Tree map Displays the count of each data field in a tree map * Data Table Displays the report snapshot data in a table * Summary Displays the count of each data field in a list * Number Card Displays the count of each data field in a card box #### Widget Settings The available widget settings are: * Title (required) Available in all widgets. User defined title of widget. * Select Multiple Fields Available in Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Tree Map, Summary. Allows you to select several fields in Select Data Field * Select Data Field Available in all Widgets except Grouped Bar Chart and Area/Line. Select one or more data fields (dependent on choice above). The list of fields is pulled from the output fields of the report associated with the dashboard. If the Select Multiple Fields checkbox is not available for the given widget, Select Data Field will behave as if Select Multiple Fields was checked. * Operation Available in all Widgets except Data Table. Content varies based on widget and the Select Multiple Fields checkbox. If the Select Multiple Fields field is not available for the given widget, the Operation field will behave as if Select Multiple Fields was checked and only allow the Total Count, Distinct Count and Document Count operations. Multiple select: * Total Count Counts the total values in the selected fields, including duplicated values * Distinct Count Counts the distinct (unique) values in the selected fields * Document Count Counts the number of documents that contain at least one value of the selected fields One field: * Total Count Counts the total values in the selected field, including duplicated values * Top 5 Shows the top 5 values in field * Top 10 Shows the top 10 values in field * Distinct Count Counts the distinct (unique) values in the selected field * Document Count Counts the number of documents that contain at least one value of the selected field * Sum Adds the values of the field together and only available if the field is a numeric value For Grouped Bar Chart and Area/ Line Chart there are unique operators for the X and Y axis depending on the field type. If the Y-axis field is a date-fields the operators Day, Month, Year will be available for the user to summarize per unit of time. * Color Scheme Available in all Widgets except Data Table. Four different color schemes are available: * Cool * Natural * Ocean * Vivid * Size Available in all widgets. Size of widget: * Tiny * Small * Medium * Large * Show Empty Data Points Available in Bar Chart, Grouped Bar Chart and Area/Line Chart. Shows data points that are empty or null. Default: Off. * Doughnut Available in Pie Chart. Display in doughnut format. * Advanced Available in Pie Chart. Advanced view with doughnut and values in percent. * Show Labels Available in Pie Chart. Shows the field labels on the pie chart. * Show Legend Available in Bar Chart, Grouped Bar Chart, Area/Line Chart and Pie Chart. Check box if you want to show the legend. * Show X-axis Available in Bar Chart, Grouped Bar Chart and Area/Line Chart. Check box if you want to show the X-axis. * Show Y-axis Available in Bar Chart, Grouped Bar Chart and Area/Line Chart. Check box if you want to show the Y-axis. * Show X-axis Label Available in Bar Chart, Grouped Bar Chart and Area/Line Chart. Write a descriptive text for the X-axis. * Show Y-axis Label Available in Bar Chart, Grouped Bar Chart and Area/Line Chart. Write a descriptive text for the Y-axis. * Area chart Available in Area/Line Chart. Check the box if you want to view the data as an area chart. Line chart is the default (unchecked) option. * Select field for X-axis Available in Grouped Bar Chart and Area/Line Chart. Select field for the X-axis. * Select field for Y-axis Available in Grouped Bar Chart and Area/Line Chart. Select field for the Y-axis. #### Widget Compatibility Matrix The following table displays the compatibility of each setting with each widget. The table also have a column for compatibility with live data. If x is set the setting is supported. | | Select multiple fields | Total count | Distinct count | Document count | Top 5 | Top 10 | Show empty data points count | Show Legend count | Show labels | Show x axis | Show y axis | Show x axis | Show y axis | Area chart | Doughnut | Advanced | Live Data | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |:---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | **Bar Chart** | x | x | x | x | | | x | x | | x | x | x | x | | | | Only for Total Count & multiple fields selected | | **Grouped Bar Chart** | | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | | | | No | | **Area Chart** | | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | x | | | No | | **Pie Chart** | x | x | x | x | | | x | x | | | | | | | | | Only for "Total Count" & multiple fields selected | | **Treemap** | x | x | x | x | | | | | | | | | | | | | Only for Total Count & multiple fields selected | | **Summary** | x | x | x | x | | | | | | | | | | | | | Only for Total Count & multiple fields selected | | **Number Card** | | x | x | x | | | | | | | | | | | | | Only for Total Count | **Data Table** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | No | #### Count operation example This paragraph illustrates the Total Count, Distinct Count and Document Count operations. Below is an example index that contains 7 documents with Phone and Credit Card fields. | Document ID | Phone ID | Credit Card | | :---------: | :------: | :---------: | | 1 | phone1 | | | 2 | phone2 | creditcard1 | | 3 | phone1,phone3 | | | 4 | phone3 | | | 5 | | creditcard2 | | 6 | phone4 | | | 7 | | creditcard1,creditcard2,creditcard3 | The count operations will output the following counts with Multiple Fields selected: | Operation | Phone | Credit Card | | :-------: | :---: | :---------: | | Total Count | 6 | 5 | | Distinct Count | 4 | 3 | | Document Count | 5 | 3 | With Single Field, phone for instance, we get the same numbers only for phone: | Operation | Phone | | :-------: | :---: | | Total Count | 6 | | Distinct Count | 4 | | Document Count | 5 | ## Reports The Reports page is the default page shown after a user signs in. Here, the user can view the list of reports, create new reports, see archived reports and all snapshots. A report is the definition of the report and it's snapshots. The definition of the report is set when creating the report. A report can be Run. This will generate a report snapshot that is stored in the Report history. The report snapshot is a generated report at that moment in time. ### List of Reports The Reports page will display the list of reports. From the list of reports you can perform actions on the reports, view the report history and view the reports. #### Actions For every report there are several actions you can do. These are accessible from the Actions Menu represented by "...". * Run Run the report to retrieve current information. * Preview Preview the first 10 rows of the report. * Edit Edits the report definition. This option is only available if the report history is empty. * Delete Deletes the report from the system. This option is only available if the report history is empty. * Clone Makes a clone of the report with the required fields and output fields intact. The cloned report must have a unique name. The required and output fields can also be changed before saving the cloned report. * Archive Archives the report and removes it from the Reports table but retains it in the database. * Schedule Shortcut to set the schedule of the report. * Information View information on the report definition. #### Report History To retrieve and review earlier report snapshots, click the Report History screen. The table lists all previously run reports, when it was generated, and if it was generated by the scheduler. Clicking View Report will display the historical report. The Actions menu provides an option to delete the historical report. #### View Report The View Report page can either be accessed by generating a new report snapshot using the *Run* action or by selecting a report snapshot via the *Report History*. The report view page provides several options to search and sort the report. To sort by a column, click the column header to sort in ascending or descending order. By default, 20 rows are displayed per page. The number can be changed by updating the "Number of rows" field in the top right corner. If the rows don't fit on one page, links to the additional pages appear under the table. You can also drag and drop to reorder the fields by clicking on a field and drop it in the new position. In the report view you can do the following: * Actions The Actions menu contains an option to Open the file listed in the report. In order to use this option you need to have the Content Handler installed. The Content Handler can be downloaded from the Locator search page under Client Downloads in the user menu. * Export By clicking the Export button you can choose to export the report to the following formats: * Comma Separated Values (.csv) * MS Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) * Portable Document Format (.pdf) If you want to print the report, simply export it first and print it from MS Excel or your PDF reader. Note that if you have many fields in the report we advice you to use .csv or .xlsx format. PDF format will default to landscape mode and columns without values will be be skipped. * Obfuscate Columns If you want to hide the information in any of the columns you can do that by using the obfuscate column feature. Note that the fields also will be hidden in the export file. * Search Report The search field in the top right corner can be used to search the report for a specific string. Use the "Advanced search" feature to choose which columns to search. You can also search per column to filter your results even more * Back to report selection If you want to select another report, click on the back button ( < ) to go back to the report selection. ### Create a Report Click the create button ( + ) to create a report. 1. Required Fields * This page allows you to build a query for the report using nested rules and rulesets. Rules are used to filter documents that appear in the report. * Multiple rules and rulesets can be joined using either AND / OR. The condition operator setting applies to all rules within a set. For example: * Generate a report of documents where both rules A and B in the ruleset are true * Generate a report of documents where either rule A or B in the ruleset is true * To add a rule or ruleset, click the +Rule or +Ruleset buttons. Rules are nested within rulesets and additional rulesets can be nested in other rulesets. * Select the field to filter on from the Field Name drop down * You can mark fields you use often as Favorites by clicking on the star icon on the right hand side * Favorite fields will be listed on top * Choose the filter type and specify the criteria if appropriate * Click Next once all desired rules are configured 2. Output Fields * Select which fields will appear in the generated report * Click on the field from the Available Fields column to add it to Selected Fields list. * You can use the Filter feature to search for a certain field * You can mark fields you use often as Favorites by clicking on the star icon on the right hand side * Favorite fields will be listed on top * You can also click the "Copy from required fields" button to automatically populate the Output Fields list with the fields chosen in the Required Fields step * If the Required Fields step contains fields not available as an output field, they will not be copied. If all required fields are unavailable as output fields, the copy button will be disabled. * Change the order in the Selected Fields column by using the arrow buttons to move fields up and down on the list * Click Next once all desired output fields have been selected 3. Report Preview * Preview the first 10 documents in the report based on your specified query. You can go back to steps 1 and 2 to make changes before finalizing the report. * A preview cannot be exported and does not contain the entire data selection 4. Summary * Title: Required: Enter a name for the report * Description: Optional: Enter a description for the report * Category: Required: Choose a category for the report. Reports can have multiple categories. * Click the Add Category button to create a new category. New categories are available to all users. * If a category is removed from all reports, it is automatically deleted. * Selected categories can be removed by clicking them * The default category is "GDPR". 5. If any step is missing information or has an error, the step number along the top will appear red. The new report cannot be saved until all steps are complete. 6. Once all steps are complete, click Save Report 7. Your new report appears on the Report screen 8. To make changes to the report, select Edit in the Actions menu. A report can be edited as long as the Report History is empty. 9. When the report configuration is finished, run the report from the Actions menu and a report snapshot will be created * Note: A report with report history cannot be edited (without deleting the report history). ### All Snapshots The menu displays an overview of all Snapshots regardless of report. The report view page provides several options to search and sort. To sort by a column, click the column header to sort in ascending or descending order. By default, 5 rows are displayed per page. The number can be changed by updating the "Number of rows" field in the top right corner. If the rows don't fit on one page, links to the additional pages appear under the table. You can also drag and drop to reorder the fields by clicking on a field and drop it in the new position. You can also search for a specific report or snapshot date by using the search field. The following fields are available. * Created - displays the date and time the snapshot was created * Title - the title of the report * Scheduled - marked if the report was automatically created based on a schedule. * Actions - the option to delete a snapshot is found here. Based on permission. * View report - view the report snapshot on screen ### Archived Reports The report engine includes a feature to archive a report. You might not want to use the report regularly but want to keep the historic data. The Archive feature is available from the Actions menu on the Reports screen. When archiving a report the report will be removed from the regular Reports screen and only available from the Archived Reports screen. Also note that any schedule associated with a report that is archived will stop working. Only the person that created the report can archive the report. ### List of Available Fields | Field Name | Description | Required Fields | Output Fields | | :--------: | :---------: | :-------------: | :-----------: | | Document Allowed SIDs | Users/groups with access to the object (Security Identifier) | Y | Y | | Document Content | Document Content | Y | N | | Document Deny SIDs | Users/groups with no access to the object (Security Identifier) | Y | Y | | Document Fileext | Document file extensions | Y | N | | Document Has Attachments | If the document has an attachment or not | Y | Y | | Document Identifier | Numeric value from the index | Y | Y | | Document is an Attachment | If the document is an attachment | Y | Y | | Document is Completed | If the document is completed | Y | Y | | Document is Favorited | Document tagged as favorite in ViaWorks | Y | Y | | Document Language | The language detected in the document | Y | Y | | Document Title | Document Title | Y | Y | | Document Type | The type of document. Eg: Email, Contact, Document, Appointment | Y | Y | | Event Date | Appointment date | Y | Y | | File Name | The name of the file | Y | Y | | Is Container | Is a catalog/folder | Y | Y | | Labels | The document is tagged with a user defined label in ViaWorks | Y | Y | | Main Navigation | Folder name (Folder\subfolder) | Y | Y | | Modified Date | Date the document was modified | Y | Y | | Phone Number | Detected phone numbers | Y | Y | | Platform Author | Author | Y | Y | | Platform Date | Date the file was modified | Y | N | | Platform My User | My user | Y | Y | | Platform Navigation | Reference to document location | Y | N | | Platform Documentmetadata | Lists metadata attributes to the document | N | Y | | Platform Dynamicmetadata | Lists dynamic metadata attributes to the document | N | Y | | Platform Reference | Reference address to the document | N | Y | | Platform Rootmetadata | Lists metadata attributes to the root of the document | N | Y | | Repository | Numeric value for repository in index containing the file | Y | Y | | Share Allowed SIDs | Users / Groups with access to the file (SIDs) | Y | Y | | Share Deny SIDs | Users / Groups denied access to the file (SIDs) | Y | Y | | Workspace Account | Account from Workspace software | Y | Y | | Workspace Project | Project from Workspace software | Y | Y | | **Detected Common** | | ABA routing number | ABA routing number | Y | Y | | Address | Addresses | Y | Y | | Admission date | Admission date | Y | Y | | Bank Account Holder | Owner of bank account | Y | Y | | Bank Account Number | Bank Account Number | Y | Y | | BIC number | Bank Identifier code | Y | Y | | Credit Card Number | Credit Card number | Y | Y | | Date of birth | Date of birth | Y | Y | | Death date | Death date | Y | Y | | Discharge date | Discharge date | Y | Y | | Email Address | Email addresses | Y | Y | | Fax Number | Fax numbers | Y | Y | | IBAN Number | International Bank Account Number | Y | Y | | ICD_10 code | International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems | Y | Y | | IP Address | IP Address | Y | Y | | Nationality | Nationality | Y | Y | | Person Name | Person names (firstname/lastname) | Y | Y | | Phone Number | Phone Number | Y | Y | | Place of birth | Place of birth | Y | Y | | Racial or ethnic origin | Racial or ethnic origin | Y | Y | | Religious belief | Religious belief | Y | Y | | TARIC Code | TARIC Code | Y | Y | | URL | URL | Y | Y | | **Detected Language specific** | | ID Number Argentinian | | Y | Y | | Bank Routing Number Austrian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Austrian | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Austrian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Austrian | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number Austrian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Austrian | | Y | Y | | Account Number Australian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Australian | | Y | Y | | Health Number Australian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Australian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Australian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Belgian | | Y | Y | | National Register Number Belgian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Belgian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Belgian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Bulgarian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Bulgarian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Bulgarian | | Y | Y | | Uniform Civil Number Bulgarian | | Y | Y | | CNPJ Number Brazilian | | Y | Y | | CPF Number Brazilian | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Brazilian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Canadian | | Y | Y | | Health Number Canadian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Canadian | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number Canadian | | Y | Y | | ID Number Chilean | | Y | Y | | Resident ID Card Number Chinese | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Cypriot | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Cypriot | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Cypriot | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Cypriot | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Czech | | Y | Y | | ID Number Czech | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Czech | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Czech | | Y | Y | | Bank Routing Number German | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number German | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number German | | Y | Y | | Passport Number German | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number German | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number German | | Y | Y | | Tax Number German | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number Danish CPR | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Danish | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Danish | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Danish | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Estonian | | Y | Y | | ID Number Estonian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Estonian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Estonian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Spanish | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Spanish | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Spanish | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number Spanish | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Spanish | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Finnish | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Finnish | | Y | Y | | Person ID Code Finnish | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Finnish | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number French | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number French | | Y | Y | | INSEE Number French | | Y | Y | | Passport Number French | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number French | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Greek | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Greek | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Greek | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number Greek | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Greek | | Y | Y | | ID Number Hong Kong | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Croatian | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Croatian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Croatian | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number Croatian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Croatian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Hungarian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Hungarian | | Y | Y | | Personal ID Number Hungarian | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number Hungarian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Hungarian | | Y | Y | | ID card number Indonesian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Irish | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Irish | | Y | Y | | PPSN Irish | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Irish | | Y | Y | | ID Number Israeli | | Y | Y | | ID Number Indian | | Y | Y | | Permanent Account Number Indian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Italian | | Y | Y | | Electronic ID Card Number Italian | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Italian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Italian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Italian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Japanese | | Y | Y | | Individual Number Japanese | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Japanese | | Y | Y | | Residence Card Number Japanese | | Y | Y | | Resident Registration Number Japanese | | Y | Y | | Social Insurance Number Japanese | | Y | Y | | Resident Registration Number Korean | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Lithuanian | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Lithuanian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Lithuanian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Lithuanian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Luxembourgian | | Y | Y | | National ID Luxembourgian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Luxembourgian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Luxembourgian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Latvian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Latvian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Latvian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Maltese | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Maltese | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Maltese | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Maltese | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Malaysian | | Y | Y | | Burger Service Number Dutch | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Dutch | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Dutch | | Y | Y | | Post Code Dutch | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Dutch | | Y | Y | | Temporary Social Security (D-Number) Norwegian | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number Norwegian | | Y | Y | | Health Number New Zealand | | Y | Y | | ID Number Filipino | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Polish | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Polish | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Polish | | Y | Y | | PESEL Number Polish | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Polish | | Y | Y | | Citizen Card Number Portuguese | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Portuguese | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Portuguese | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Portuguese | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Romanian | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Romanian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Romanian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Romanian | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Saudi Arabian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Swedish | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Swedish | | Y | Y | | Personal Identity Number Swedish | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number Swedish | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Swedish | | Y | Y | | Temporary Health Number Swedish | | Y | Y | | Temporary Registration Number Swedish | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Singaporean | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Slovenian | | Y | Y | | ID Card Number Slovenian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Slovenian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Slovenian | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number Slovakian | | Y | Y | | ID Number Slovakian | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Slovakian | | Y | Y | | Tax ID Number Slovakian | | Y | Y | | ID Number Thai | | Y | Y | | ID Number Turkish | | Y | Y | | ARC Number Taiwanese | | Y | Y | | ID Number Taiwanese | | Y | Y | | Passport Number Taiwanese | | Y | Y | | Community Health Index Number UK | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number UK | | Y | Y | | Electoral Roll Number UK | | Y | Y | | National Health Service Number UK | | Y | Y | | National Insurance Number UK | | Y | Y | | Passport Number UK | | Y | Y | | UTR Number UK | | Y | Y | | DEA Number US | | Y | Y | | Driver's License Number US | | Y | Y | | Employer Identification (EIN) Number US | | Y | Y | | Individual Taxpayer Identification Number US | | Y | Y | | Passport Number US | | Y | Y | | Postcode US | | Y | Y | | Social Security Number US | | Y | Y | | ID Number South African | | Y | Y | ## Report Scheduler The Report Scheduler page is where reports can be scheduled to run automatically at defined days and times. The schedules can be searched using the search box in the top right corner. The action menu provides these options: * Change Edit the schedule * Delete Delete the schedule * Pause Pause a scheduled report so it won't run automatically * Restart Resume a paused schedule so reports will run automatically per the schedule ### Create a Schedule 1. Click the + button in the top left corner to create a new report schedule. 2. Add a name for the schedule 3. Add a description for the schedule 4. Select a report to run 5. Select which days to run the report 6. Select the frequency to run the report 7. Select at what time to run the report (times are in the UTC time zone) 8. On the Email Configuration tab, users can receive reports via email by adding them to the recipient list. Note: SMTP must be configured by an administrator. 9. Email language can be changed using an option on the Email Configuration tab. 10. Click Save |
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