Security Settings
- Permission Sets.
- Sharing Rules (Object Sharing).
- Inherited Access. Security settings to directly check if a manager should be able to view all items of users which he/she manages. Currently only roles will inherit permissions from sub roles - given by the user roles hierarchy.
- Access by parent object. Currently only exists for the well-known entity types with preselected metadata fields.
- Field Accessibility. No field restrictions for any of the index entities.
Document items are marked with a list of Salesforce groups and user SIDs at fetching time. At search time, users are given SIDs based on the Salesforce account associated with the ViaWorks login.
- Salesforce_999 005A0000004wzojIAA (User)
- Salesforce_999 00GA0000001LnPuMAK (Group)
- Salesforce_999 Account (View all account - from user settings)
- Salesforce_999 AllData (View all data - from profile settings)
- Salesforce_999 Users (View all users - from profile settings)