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From time to time, it is desired to add custom fields to Locator that can be used in reports generated by Supervisor. There are a lot of pre-defined fields that come out of the box with Locator and Supervisor, but often customers have specific data that they need to be able to report on that is not covered by the extraction rules provided. By following this guide, we will give some real life examples from a customer request that should give you the means to configure this yourself.


You should have some experience with the rules engine, and how to access this and test your rules. You should also have an understanding of how regular expressions work and how to create these. We find this online regular expressions test tool very valuable to test regular expressions. You should also know how to make inserts into the database, and know how to use the command line tool Via.Repository.exe which is used to REINDEX the data from the database going into SOLR. You also need to make changes to the SOLR schema_overrides.xml file to add the new field(s) to SOLR, and how to apply these.

titleWhat is a Lingo field?

So what exactly is a Lingo field?

We use SOLR to index data, and SOLR requires that all the data are stored in defined fields. These fields can contain either normal text, date and time data, geographical positions or a whole range of other data types/content. For instance, the actual text of an indexed document is stored in a field called document_text.

When Supervisor/Insight is installed, we run the content of the document text through a wide range of linguistic text filters and rules to extract information that pertains to personally identifiable information or text that matches other identifiable information. This ranges from names, addresses, social security numbers, bank account numbers, city names etc.

A Lingo field is then basically a storage location in SOLR for a specific set of data we want to identify and report on.

How to create a new Lingo field


At this point, you should be able to generate a report on these fields using Supervisor/Insight. Log into Supervisor/Insight, and create a new reporreport. In the report wizard under Please select required fields, you should now be able to see the new fields per our example below.
