- Via.Dbc.CommunityFetchService_Northwind.exe.config
- ConnectorDefinition_Northwind_MicrosoftSQL.xml
- IdentificationDefinition_Northwind_MicrosoftSQL.xml
To be able to start Go to the 'Fetch' folder of the GenericSQL Connector and rename the following files:
- Via.Dbc.CommunityFetchService_Northwind.exe.config to Via.Dbc.CommunityFetchService.exe.config
- ConnectorDefinition_Northwind_MicrosoftSQL.xml to ConnectorDefinition.xml
- IdentificationDefinition_Northwind_MicrosoftSQL.xml to IdentificationDefinition.xml
And then ViaGo to services.msc and start Via.GenericSQL.Fetch.Service service manually. This registers the connector with Locator and you can now add a new connection in the Locator Management Console.
Adding a New Connection
These are the Wizard pages for the Northwind example files.