The "Purge" command removes all indexed documents in a repository (connection) from the Locator database. The repository is retained and a re-fetch will occur on the next scheduled scan.part of the repository from both the index and the database. However, the repository as such is retained and all documents will be re-fetched and re-indexed upon the next scheduled scan.
So the documents are removed from the index and the database, but the connection configuration is not removed so that upon the next discovery phase it will be discovered that the documents are not there and they will then be retrieved (first as metadata, later also the content)?
Caution: This will cause a complete rediscovery of all documents in the repository.
From a Windows command prompt, within the "Tools" folder, enter the following to run the Purge command:
via.repository purge /param
Allowable parameters are:
Caution: This will cause a complete rediscovery of all documents in the repository.
From a Windows command prompt, within the "Tools" folder, enter the following to run the Purge command:
via.repository purge /param
Allowable parameters are: