Security Settings
At search time when users log into ViaWorks Locator they are authenticated with Active Directory. User attributes for the authenticated user are used to find a username in Salesforce. This happens automatically in the plug-in and the user does not need provide the Salesforce credentials.
Document items are marked with a list of Salesforce groups and user SIDs at fetching time. At search time, users are given SIDs based on the Salesforce account associated with the ViaWorks Locator login.
- Salesforce_999 005A0000004wzojIAA (User)
- Salesforce_999 00GA0000001LnPuMAK (Group)
- Salesforce_999 Account (View all account - from user settings)
- Salesforce_999 AllData (View all data - from profile settings)
- Salesforce_999 Users (View all users - from profile settings)