Markdown |
[Supported Data Types](#supported-data-types)\
[Crawl Methods](#crawl-methods)\
[Adding a New Connection](#adding-a-new-connection)\
[Data Types](#data-types)\
[Page Data Type](#page-data-type)\
# Overview
## Limitations
The connector indexes pages and images.
## Prerequisites
- The connector only uses public access: no log in, permission or security of any kind is used.
## Supported Data Types
The connector supports indexing the following data types:
- Pages
- Images (Not indexed. Can be modified if requested)
## Crawl Methods
Full Crawl: The ConnectorName Connector supports scheduling periodic full scans of the source system.
Incremental Crawl: Not supported
## DocumentHandler
Not required.
# Adding a New Connection
## Connection Page
| **Setting Name** | **Description** |
| Connection | The name of the connection. |
| Server Url | The url of the Wikimedia installation. |
Configuration is limited to providing the url of the wikimedia installation.
# Data Types
## Page Data Type
Information indexed for pages include: text, title, catefories, images, external links, language links, sections, a set of properties, last modified date (that is, last revision date), and page id.
### Model
### Actions
- Open
- Opens directly the document in the browser.
### MetaData
| **Field** | **Example** | **Show** | **Searchable** | **Use as refiner** | **Comment** |
| pageid | 93 | No | No | No | Internal id |
| displaytitle | Adding custom translations to web client | Yes | Yes | No | |
| images | Translations2.png | No | No | No | Can be multiples |
| lastmodified | 4/21/2016 2:38:53 PM | No | No | No | Not the date actually used in the "date modified" field. |
| fullurl | | No | No | No | |
| editurl | | No | No | No | |
### Refiners
### Files
Metadata only.
### Preview
Not supported.
### Embedded Data Types
# Security
## Authentication and Identification
The connector relies on the default Locator Active Directory Authentication and Identification Plugin that gets the users' Security Identifiers (SIDs) from Active Directory.
## Identification
Scope: AD
Tokens: User AD tokens
## Security
Share Security
Not in use.
## Document Security
Scope: AD
Tokens: S-1-1-0 (Allow everyone) |
Page Comparison