Below is a list of the fields we needed to create, and some sample text along with the regular expressions we use to extract the data we need.
Field name | Sample text | Regular expression |
lingo_kmit_iban | IT60 X054 2811 1010 0000 0123 456 IT28 W800 0000 2921 0064 5211 151 IT28W8000000292100645211151 IT28-W800-0000-2921-0064-5211-151 | IT\d{2}[ -][a-zA-Z]\d{3}[ -]\d{4}[ -]\d{4}[ -]\d{4}[ -]\d{4}[ -]\d{3}|IT\d{2}[a-zA-Z]\d{22} |
lingo_kmit_driverlic | Numero patente U1A34Y7DTA | ([Nn][Uu][Mm][Ee][Rr][Oo] [Pp][Aa][Tt][Ee][Nn][Tt][Ee]|[Dd][Rr][Ii][Vv][Ii][Nn][Gg] [Ll][Ii][Cc][Ee][Nn][Ss][Ee])\s{1,}(U1[A-Z0-9]{7}[A-Z]|[A-Z]\d{6}) |
lingo_kmit_idcard | Carta di identità TD4563704 | ([Cc][Aa][Rr][Tt][Aa] [Dd][Ii] [Ii][Dd][Ee][Nn][Tt][Ii][Tt].{1}?|[Ii][Dd][Ee][Nn][Tt][Ii][Tt][Yy] [Cc][Aa][Rr][Dd])\s{1,}[A-Z]{2}\d{7} |
lingo_kmit_taxcode | Codice fiscale FRNLSN78P18H501L | ([Cc][Oo][Dd][Ii][Cc][Ee] [Ff][Ii][Ss][Cc][Aa][Ll][Ee]|[Tt][Aa][Xx] [Cc][Oo][Dd][Ee]) [A-Z]{6}\d{2}[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z] |
Info | ||
| ||
All paths within this document point to a default installation of Locator, using the following paths
If you have chosen different paths for your installation of Locator, you need to adjust the paths used in the commands below. |
First of, we need to make the SOLR Index Service aware of the fields we require. Supervisor will report on any SOLR field that is prefixed with lingo_, which is why all our custom fields follow this naming pattern. To add these fields to our SOLR configuration, we need to edit the file solr_overrides.xml (or schema_overrides.xml) located located in %ProgramData%\ayfie\Locator\Solr\configsets\ViaWorksCloud\conf (or %ProgramData%\Konica Minolta\dokoni FIND\Solr\configsets\ViaWorksCloud\conf for dokoni FIND).
Open this file with your favourite
From Lingo 2.2 the default lingo fields are stored in the additional override file %ProgramData%\ayfie\Locator\Solr\configsets\ViaWorksCloud\conf\schema_overrides\schema_overrides_for_lingo.xml (%ProgramData%\Konica Minolta\dokoni FIND\Solr\configsets\ViaWorksCloud\conf\schema_overrides\schema_overrides_for_lingo.xml for dokoni FIND). Before you add the new fields to schema_overrides.xml, please check if the file schema_overrides_for_lingo.xml exits and confirm that the fields you want to add are not already stored in this file. If the same lingo field line is present in both override files, the lingo field will be duplicated in schema.xml when Locator (or dokoni FIND) is upgraded. The functionality of additional overrides files on upgrades was introduced in Locator (or dokoni FIND) 2.11 SR1.
Open this file with your favorite text editor, and add the following content inside the <diff> </diff> XML code.