External user databases that already exist can be federated with Authority Service. By default, the Authority Service supports LDAP and Active Directory. When a user logs in, Authority Service looks up the person in its internal user database. If it is unable to identify it there, it will search across all User Storage providers configured for the realm until it finds one that matches. The Authority Service retrieves data from the external store and converts it to a internal common user model. It is possible to federate multiple different LDAP servers in the same Authority Service realm. You can map LDAP user attributes into the Authority Service common user model. By default, it maps username, email, first name, and last name, but you are free to configure additional mappings.
Authority Service imports users from LDAP into the local user database. Synchronization occurs on-demand or via a scheduled background job. There is an exception for password synchronization. Authority Service makes no attempt to import passwords. Password validation is performed on the LDAP server at all times.
Setting up Active Directory user federation
Given that:
Locator is avaible under
host nameAD domain name is
Domain controller is at
AD Users distinguished name is
OU=Users, DC=company, DC=internal
you should perform following steps to setup user federation.
Create the domain user
In Active directory create user named
. The user should only need to be a Domain User.Once the user is made, run a
command to get the Bind DN string (ie.CN=svcKeycloak,OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=Users,OU=VirtualWorks,DC=e1,DC=internal
Run the following command on domain controller to assign a SPN to the user and generate a keytab file:
ktpass -out keycloak.keytab -princ HTTP/locator.internal@COMPANY.INTERNAL -mapUser Keycloak@COMPANY.INTERNAL -pass password! -kvno 0 -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -crypto RC4-HMAC-NT
Configuring Active Directory integration
Go to User Storage Federation menu option
On the right side, there is a list box labeled Add Provider. Select the LDAP provider type and you will be sent to the provider's settings page.
Adjusts settings according to screen below:
Enter the display name for the provider
Choose Active Directory in Vendor field
Set Import users to On. Authority Service will import users into local database.
Set Edit Mode to Read Only. You will be unable to modify the username, email address, first and last names, or any other mapped attributes. Updates to passwords are not supported.
Set Sync registrations to Off. Users created in Authority Service will not be synced back to LDAP.
The remaining settings are dependent on particular Active Directory setup. You should adjusts example to your current configuration. To learn more about these settings, hover your mouse pointer over the tooltips in the Authority Service Admin Console.
Configuring Kerberos integration
Copy keycloak.ktab file to
<Saga Directory>\volumes\authority\docker-entrypoint.d
In LDAP provider configuration, turn on Kerberos integration and fill in details according to screen below
Set Allow Kerberos authentication to ON
Set your Kerberos Realm (ie.
)Set your Server principal according to spn set on domain user (ie.
)Point to keytabfile ie.
if you have copied ktab to<Saga Directory>\volumes\authority\docker-entrypoint.d
If you want to debug your configuration, set Debug to On.
Set Use Kerberos For Password Authentication to On.
Configuring Active Directory group mappings
This feature enables you to configure group mappings from Active Directory to Authority Service. The group mapper may be used to convert Active Directory groups from a specific branch of an LDAP tree to Authority Service groups. Additionally, it will import user-group mappings from Active Directory to Authority Service user-group mappings.
In LDAP provider configuration go to the Mappers tab
Add new mapper of type
Configure as in example below
Enter LDAP Groups DN specific for your AD setup
as Mapped Group Attributes to import group sids
Active Directory user federation through LDAPS requires that the domain controller has a valid SSL certificate issued by a well-known authority.