*Valid for version Locator 2.9→
Note: Be sure to use a field that is indexed, the below example requires Lingo/Supervisor. The "name", "suggest.dictionary" and "setting_value" need to be the same value. Person is used in this example. "field" is the name of the indexed Solr field to create suggest on.
Add your new suggester to solrconfig.xml using solrconfig_override.xml (How do override files work?) like this example:
solrconfig_overrides.xml<add sel="config/searchComponent[@name='real_suggest']"> <lst name="suggester"> <str name="name">Person</str> <str name="lookupImpl">FuzzyLookupFactory</str> <str name="dictionaryImpl">HighFrequencyDictionaryFactory</str> <str name="storeDir">suggester_fuzzy_dir_generic</str> <str name="field">lingo_person</str> <str name="suggestAnalyzerFieldType">phrase_suggest</str> <str name="exactMatchFirst">true</str> <str name="buildOnStartup">true</str> <str name="buildOnCommit">true</str> </lst> </add> <add sel="/config/requestHandler[@name='/real_suggest']/lst[@name='defaults']"> <str name="suggest.dictionary">Person</str> </add>
Add the suggester name to index_settings table. The setting is called "SuggestersToGroup" and the value is your suggester name, Postgres insert sql example:
Insert SuggestersToGroup to index.index_settingsINSERT INTO index.index_setting( index_id, setting_name, setting_value, creation_date_utc, last_modified_date_utc) VALUES ('460f7ec6-8ddd-4654-af5b-8d5b2d72131e', 'SuggestersToGroup', 'Person', now(), now());
You can verify that you are using the correct index_id by running List command of Via.IndexAdmin.exe. If you add more than one suggester the setting_value is comma delimited.
- Upload changes to ZooKeeper. From CMD, run: solr zk upconfig -z localhost:9983 -n ViaWorksCloud -d C:\ProgramData\ayfie\Locator\Solr\configsets\ViaWorksCloud\conf
- Reload the Solr core by browsing to http://localhost:8983/solr/#/~collections/ViaWorksCloud and clicking "Reload".
Grouped suggestions will now appear in the suggestion box after 3 characters are entered under the group heading with the Name used in the configuration.
How to set up custom Lingo fields: How to add custom Lingo fields to Locator