Refetching and/or Reindexing Documents

Refetching and/or Reindexing Documents


By default the Locator connectors constantly runs discovery. That is, they are constantly on the lookout for new documents that have been added or existing documents that have changed or been deleted at the data source. Any such documents are discovered, fetched and indexed. In the graphic below that is illustrated with the long light red colored arrow. For an explanation on the underlying graphics, see https://ayfie-dev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SAGA/pages/2180251662.

The graphics above also shows the difference between a refetch and a reindex operation. A reindex operation (arrow tagged with the letter X) retrieves data from the data base whereas a refetch operation retrieves the data all the way from the data source (arrow tagged with the number 2). For this reason a refetch operation is much more costly and takes significant longer time than a reindex operation.

Even though the fetching and subsequent indexing of data is fully automated, there are times when one needs to manually trigger a refetch or a reindex operation. This to make the documents be reprocessed. Here are some examples of such situations:

  • Reindexing

    • An Rules Engine rule has been added, updated or deleted

    • A new refiner has been created

    • Solr configuration has been updated with changes to synonyms, stopwords, filters or fields

  • Refetching

    • A connector has been updated in a way that is not backward compatible

    • An updated version of Supervisor has been installed, with changes to the Lingo extractions

    • The Converter or Lingo have been changed and one want to change to also affect data that is already indexed

The way to do a manual refetch or reindex operation is to execute the repository tool located within the C:\Locator\Tools directory of the ayfie-locator container. The next few sections will explain how to enter the container and run the tool.

Obtaining a Container Command Prompt

A manual reindex or refetch operation, is run from within the ayfie-locator container. The graphics below shows how to get to the container command prompt and how to get back to the host machine prompt:

To get to a PowerShell command prompt within any running container, run the following command from a PowerShell command prompt anywhere on the host machine:

> docker exec -it CONTAINER-NAME powershell

To exit the container and get back the the host machine prompt, simply just run the exit command:

> exit

Using the Locator Repository Tool

The repository tool is located within the C:\Locator\Tools directory of the ayfie-locator container:

Running it from the command line without parameters gives high level help:

Further documentation can be obtained by adding the parameter to use followed by /help:


To reindex a repository named Test Files, run this command:

> .\Via.Repository.exe REINDEX /reponame:"Test Files"

The name one can look up in the dashboard:


Refetching is done the same way as reindexing. Here we refetch all the documents of the same repository as we just reindexed above:

Container External Command Execution

The same commands that we ran from within the container can also be run from outside the container if we change the quotes a bit as shown here:

Instead of referencing the repository name it is also possible to reference the repository id (and that without any special quoting). From the repository overview graphics above, we see that repository Test Files has ID 1:


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