What's New in Ayfie Saga 5.0.0

Ayfie Saga 5.0.0 is here with many changes since 4.x in both the underlying technology and the user experience. Here are the highlights:

Modern Authentication

Ayfie Saga 5.0.0 introduces an unified authentication approach for all products on the Saga platform. Whereas Supervisor started using modern authentication already at version 2.x, Locator has continued using basic authentication until now. With 5.x both Locator and Supervisor are using the same Ayfie Authority Service with Modern Authentication based on Keycloak.

Among the benefits of Modern Authentication are:

  • More security

  • Passwords are not stored locally in Locator

  • Fine-tuned authentication policy to better control access to resources

  • Enables Single Sign-On with Azure Active Directory

  • Enables 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) with Azure Active Directory.

In 5.0.0 the Authority Service can be configured to sync up with Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. Support for additional identity providers will be added in later versions.

New Smart Classifier Feature

5.0.0 introduces Smart Classifiers, a machine learning based document classifier feature. Users can create their own Smart Classifiers and apply them on collections of documents in the index.

The user provides positive and negative samples for the classifier via the search UI (see the up and down thumbs up in the right corner of each search result):

The Smart Classifier is trained by the Smart Classifier ML services. The Smart Classifier ML services will select the best model to use based on the F1 Macro score. When the selected model is activated for a document collection, it will tag each document with a value between 0.0 to 1.0. By default, documents with a value higher than 0.5 are considered to be in class, but that value can be changed by each individual user as shown here where the limit has been increased to 0.8:

Users use the Smart Classifier refiner to filter on documents that are in or out of class (the Yes and No options in the screenshot below):

New Document Processing Pipeline

5.0.0 introduces a new concept, the Document Processing Pipeline. In the first version the pipeline has 2 steps only: the Lingo entity extractor and the Smart Classifier classifier. However, custom steps can be added and allow for enriching the documents with metadata from any external API or data source. See sections The Data Flow and Data Extraction and Enrichment Phases of the https://ayfie-dev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SAGA/pages/2180251662 for more details.

Other Features

See Release Notes for exhaustive list:
