What's New in Ayfie Saga 5.6.0

Ayfie Saga 5.6.0 has been released. Here are the highlights:

Redesign of PDF Preview Tab

The UI redesign continues. In this release the Preview tab is updated to the new design.

Redesign of Annotation Feature

In addition, the annotation feature has also been updated to the new design. The release introduces a new and improved way of adding and editing annotations, including offering more color options for marking text. See https://ayfie-dev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SAGA/pages/3401056257 for details.

Notify the User That the ContentHandler Is Required

The Content Handler is a Windows only utility, used to open some search result links in their native applications on the client. These are links referencing data retrieved by connector such as FileServer, Exchange (on-premises version only), eDOCS DM and WorkSite. A new dialog is introduced to inform the user when Content Handler is not installed and required to open the search result link.

New Improved Commit Strategy

Previously, the Index Builder in the search container (see https://ayfie-dev.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SAGA/pages/2180251662) would perform explicit hard commits whenever documents were added, updated, or deleted in the index. Additionally, the Search UI would initiate commits when the user added tags to the documents. However, these hard commits resulted in high disk I/O as the index files were written to stable storage (disk). This approach lacked control over when the commits occurred.

In the new commit strategy, both the Index Builder and the Search UI no longer initiate commits. Instead, the responsibility of deciding when to perform a commit is left to the index itself. This is achieved through automatic commits, which come in two types: autoCommit and autoSoftCommit.

The autoSoftCommit is configured to run every 30 seconds, which is the same default interval previously used in the Index Builder. This type of commit makes the updates in the index almost immediately visible to the user, but does not write to the index files on disk.

On the other hand, the autoCommit is configured to run every hour. This type of commit writes to the index files on disk.

Both types ensures persistence and durability, however in the event of an ungraceful shutdown, the autoSoftCommit will need to replay transaction logs.

By implementing this new commit strategy, more control is gained over when commits occur, reducing the high disk I/O caused by frequent hard commits.

Improved Startup

An important step in the startup process is the migration of the database. Previously, this step was performed within the initialization of the search container, causing other containers to wait for the search container to be initialized. In the improved startup process, the database is started first, and the database migration is performed before starting the rest of the containers. This change ensures that the containers can start independently and reduces the waiting time. Additionally, the containers related to metrics are now disabled by default. This change allows for a more streamlined startup process, as unnecessary containers are not started by default. Furthermore, various improvements have been made, such as updating dependencies in the compose files. These improvements, along with the mentioned changes, have significantly improved the startup time of the Saga application.

Other Improvements

See Release Notes for exhaustive list:
