ayfie Locator Web Client

ayfie Locator Web Client

The Locator web client is a web page showing a standard search bar, all available search tools and the Results Page (or hit list).

To access the web client, simply start a web browser and enter the Locator Server address:  http://ayfielocator_server_name/search.  Contact your network administrator for the Locator server name.

Logging in to Locator 

In order to put the power of Locator to work, you must first login to the system using your standard Windows username and password.  Your username can be in the form of domain\username or username@domain.com. If your administrator has enabled the domain field, you'll also need to specify the network domain name in the domain field.

When logging in, remember to check the box "Keep me signed in".  The system will encrypt your information, and reuse it the next time you want to access Locator.
