Impact on Business Systems

Impact on Business Systems

The Locator Server can impact business systems in three distinct ways:

Initial Indexing

During initial indexing, all data content is discovered, fetched, and indexed for the first time. The Locator server will experience very high CPU utilization during the initial indexing period. Users may experience degraded network performance when accessing the source files while Locator is indexing, as network traffic will be higher than normal.

Incremental Indexing

After the initial indexing has completed, updates will only occur for added, deleted, or changed data. The Locator Server may be periodically busy when new documents are processed, but this rarely creates a network performance impact. By scheduling incremental indexing during "off-shift" hours, users will see little, if any, degradation of system performance. During periods of incremental indexing, the amount of data indexed is normally too small to adversely impact overall system performance, including the Locator Server itself or any other system components.

User Searching

User searches will not impact network performance.  You may even see a decrease in network traffic caused by reduced file browsing.

Locator Impact on Business Systems

Impact On:Initial IndexingIncremental IndexingUser Searches
Locator ServerHigh Impact

Normally high loads on CPU, RAM and disk during this phase
Possible High Impact

Possibly high loads on CPU, RAM and disks during scheduled periods
Low Impact 

IIS (Internet Information Services) web service response is critical
Target/Source ServerLow to Medium ImpactLow Impact 

Periodically only
Low Impact

Security response from the target/source server is critical
Network TrafficMedium Impact

Increased network traffic while doing this task

Low Impact

Periodically only

No Impact

Might even decrease network traffic by reducing file browsing

See also

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