Server Settings to Control Fetch & Conversion

Server Settings to Control Fetch & Conversion

The following describes the Locator settings that affect fetch and conversion processing on a Locator server. The setting values are maintained in the via_works_server_setting table in the config schema in the Locator PostgreSQL database.

Settings Configurable from the Web Dashboard

Fetch Load Factor

To edit the fetch load factor, go to the web dashboard at http://<servername>/Dashboard.

  1. Click on the System header link
  2. Click on Fetch Load Factor under the System - Fetch section
  3. Change the Fetch Load Factor value and click the Update button.

This value determines the number of active fetch operations that can execute concurrently on the server.  This is determined by:

  • Maximum Active Fetches = Fetch Load Factor * Number of CPU cores
  • DB field values:
    • setting_name: ConcurrencyLoadFactor
    • data_type: float
    • description: "Fetch concurrency load factor applied to CPU cores."
    • The default value is 1.0.  This value can be set to a value greater than 1.0 for cases where fetching is relatively slow compared to conversion time for the purpose of keeping the CPUs busy doing conversion.

Converter Load Factor

To edit the converter load factor, follow the same steps as for editing the fetch load factor described above, except click on Converter Load Factor in the System - Converter Job section in step 2.

This value determines the number of active converter processes that can execute concurrently on the server.  This is determined by:

  • Maximum Active Conversions = Converter Load Factor * Number of CPU cores
  • DB field values:
    • setting_name: ConverterLoadFactor
    • data_type: float
    • description: "Converter concurrency load factor applied to CPU cores."
    • The default value is 1.0. It is not recommended to set this value to be greater than 1.0 as this will cause additional process switching overhead.

Settings that are Manually Configurable

The following settings can be configured by adding database records to the via_works_server_setting table.

Fetch Idle Poll Delay

This value determines the amount of time in milliseconds to delay when checking for pending fetch requests after no pending fetch requests are found for a given repository.

DB field values:

  • setting_name: FetchIdlePollDelayMilliseconds
  • data_type: int
  • description: "Time to delay (MS) after finding no fetch requests."
  • The default value is 2000. This value should be increased if there are a large number of configured connections in the server to reduce the fetch request polling load on the PostGres database.

Maximum Check Active Fetch Requests Delay

This value determines the maximum amount of time to delay in milliseconds before rechecking the active fetch count when attempting to start another fetch request.

DB field values:

  • setting_name: MaxCheckActiveFetchRequestsDelay
  • data_type: int
  • description: "Maximum time to delay (MS) to recheck active fetch requests.
  • The default value is 500. Increase this value if there are a large number of connections configured on the server.

Minimum Check Active Fetch Requests Delay

This value determines the minimum amount of time to delay in milliseconds before rechecking the active fetch count when attempting to start another fetch request.

DB field values:

  • setting_name: MinCheckActiveFetchRequestsDelay
  • data_type: int
  • description: "Minimum time to delay (MS) to recheck active fetch requests.
  • The default value is 100. Increase this value if there are a large number of connections configured on the server.

Maximum Check Active Conversions Delay

This value determines the maximum amount of time to delay in milliseconds before rechecking the active converter process count when attempting to start another conversion.

DB field values:

  • setting_name: MaxCheckActiveConversionsDelay
  • data_type: int
  • description: "Maximum time to delay (MS) to recheck active conversions.
  • The default value is 500. Increase this value if there are a large number of connections configured on the server.

Minimum Check Active Conversions Delay

This value determines the minimum amount of time to delay in milliseconds before rechecking the active converter process count when attempting to start another conversion.

DB field values:

  • setting_name: MinCheckActiveConversionsDelay
  • data_type: int
  • description: "Minimum time to delay (MS) to recheck active conversions.
  • The default value is 100. Increase this value if there are a large number of connections configured on the server.
