How to obtain SuperOffice CRM Online Credentials
Step 1 - Obtain a SuperOffice Developer Tools Subscription
Contact SuperOffice to obtain a Developer Tools subscription if you do not already have one.
Step 2 - Do a Developer Registration
Go to and find the link Register as a developer that will take you to the form shown below. Fill out the text fields and select the same two radio buttons as shown in the screenshot:
Click OK and wait for SuperOffice to get back with you on the email address you gave above.
Step 3 - Do an Application Registration
The email that you receive from SuperOffice will contain a link to an application registration form. How to fill out that form is explained here:
The explanation contains 8 steps. Here is some extra information to some of the steps:
In step 3: Select Web app and Custom application
In step 4: Use the name Ayfie Locator for <your company name>
In step 5: Use as the Redirect URL
Step 4 - Create an Index User
Create an SuperOffice user with read access to all data that is to be indexed. This is easiest achieved by assigning user level 0 (administrator) to the user in SuperOffice as shown in this YouTube video.
To use the user requires a SuperOffice license. Contact SuperOffice if the user does not already have a license.
Step 5 - Obtain Tenant Permission
Contact SuperOffice to have them grant tenant permission for your production environment.
Step 6 - Provide Ayfie with API URL and Credentials
Provide Ayfie with these items:
The REST API URL is obtained from the status page as described in Tenant status (the URL will be of this format
The Client ID is obtained as described in What is my client ID?
The Client Secret is obtained as described in Create a new client secret
The username and password of the SuperOffice user
The redirect URL (