

The Logs section is available when the Management Console is launched from a Command Prompt with the /expert flag. A list of the local Locator log files is shown on the left. Selecting a log file will display its contents on the right. Logs from secondary ayfie Locator servers are not displayed here.

Using Expert Mode

In order to run Management Console in expert mode, open PowerShell as administrator and open the console by calling  .\Via.Admin.Win.WinClient.exe /expert in Program Files installation directory

Also available is a link to the local log file directory and a drop down box to change the current log level on the local server. Selecting the level from dropdown list changes the logging level. This provides an easy way to enable or disable debug logging when troubleshooting a problem. This only changes the logging level for the local server.

Logs Directory

Logs are also available directly ProgramData installation directory. The typical location would be ProgramData\ayfie\Locator\Log, but can differ depending on initial version of the product or installation settings.
