The Overview menu provides status of the ayfie Locator Server installation, as well as details regarding the number of installed connectors, configured connections, and license status. Also, a link to the web base Locator Dashboard is provided.
Installation Status
This section of the page presents information about the Locator installation.
Specifies the build version of the Locator installation.
Installed connectors
Specifies the number of connectors that are currently installed.
The connectors that are installed are based on the specific license that was used for this Locator installation.
Configured connections Specifies the number of connections that have been configured for all connectors.
Product is Licensed Specifies whether the installed product has been licensed.
License Status Specifies the type and number of product licenses that have been added.
The link "Click here for the Locator Dashboard" will take you to the web based Locator Dashboard.
Press the refresh button to refresh the contents of this page.
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