The "Create" command creates an index pointing to a SOLR core.
From a Windows command prompt, within the "Tools" folder, enter the following to run the Create command:
via.indexadmin create /param
Allowable parameters:
/indexid:<String> /help|?[:<Boolean>] /SolrUrl:<String> /CollectionSize:<Int32> /MaxDeletesPerLoop:<Int32> /MaxDocsPerIteration:<Int32> /MaxDocumentAggregateSizeInMB:<Int32> /SolrTimeoutSeconds:<Int32> /WaitPeriodInMs:<Int32> /ThrottlePeriodInMs:<Int32> /SolrMaxWriteSize:<Int64> /IndexThreadCount:<Int32> /MaxFieldLength:<Int32> /ChildDocMetaDataLimit:<Int32> /UseRuleEngine[:<Boolean>] | Optionally, provide the GUID ID of the new index Get help Solr URL for core (required) The document collection size used to queue documents to process Maximum documents read to delete in batch Maximum documents read per iteration Maximum document collection size Timeout for solr requests Wait period before starting a new iteration A throttle period to slow index builder The maximum message size to solr The number of indexing threads The maximum field length for indexing a field Max child document data to index with document Use the rule builder |