The "ReFetch" command marks documents to be refetched.
From a Windows command prompt, within the "Tools" folder, enter the following to run the Refetch command:
via.repository refetch /param
Allowable parameters are:
/repoid:<ID> Repository ID (required unless /reponame is used)
/reponame:<name> Repository Name (must be a unique name)
/ext:<String> File Extension Filter (cannot be used with /type)
/type:<String> File Type Filter (Cannot be used with /ext)
/aftertime:<String> Files after given time
/beforetime:<String> Files before given time
/verbose:<Boolean> Show detailed errors
/help Get Help
Note: Use this syntax for date/time parameters: /aftertime:"03/15/2018 20:30:00" /beforetime:07/01/2018
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