


To make this work the Locator Exchange fetch service has to be stopped while running CLEARSTATE-tool. 

If you want to use the remove delegated access, and this was already indexed, you will also need to clear the security checksum column in the database

The "ClearState" command clears State Keys (emails) to cause a re-discovery. This is used to rediscover emails for the purpose of gathering delegated Exchange access.

From a Windows command prompt, within the "Tools" folder, enter the following to run the Setting command:

            via.repository clearstate /param

Allowable parameters are:


Repository Id to clear (Required)
Repository Name to clear (Required)
State Key (email) to clear
Clear ALL state keys for repository
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Via.Repository CLEARSTATE /repoid:1 /statekey:”username@domain.com

Via.Repository CLEARSTATE /repoid:1 /all
