The "Purge" command removes all documents in the specified repository from both the index and the database. The repository and its configuration are retained. All documents from the specified repository will be re-fetched and re-indexed upon the next scheduled scan.
Caution: This will cause a complete rediscovery of all documents in the repository.
From a Windows command prompt, within the "Tools" folder, enter the following to run the Purge command:
via.repository purge /param
Allowable parameters are:
/repoid:<ID> Repository ID (required unless /reponame is used)
/reponame:<name> Repository Name (must be a unique name)
/server:<Name> Server Name
/aftertime:<String> Files after given time
/reponame:<name> Repository Name (must be a unique name)
/server:<Name> Server Name
/aftertime:<String> Files after given time
/beforetime:<String> File before given time
/verbose Show detailed errors
/help Get Help
/verbose Show detailed errors
/help Get Help
Note: use this syntax for date/time parameters: /aftertime:"03/15/2018 20:30:00" /beforetime:07/01/2018
, multiple selections available,