The Supervisor Administrator User
This article applies to Supervisor 2.3 and up. Supervisor 2.3 introduced an Supervisor Administrator user. This is the initial Supervisor user used for onboarding other users to Supervisor. The Supervisor Administrator is a local ayfie Authority Service user.
Creating the Supervisor Administrator User
The Supervisor Administrator is created upon installation or upgrade to Supervisor 2.3. The username is set to supervisor_admin
. The password is set in the installer, see Password Requirements.
If an error occurs setting the password a default password will be set, please contact ayfie Support.
Log in as the Supervisor Administrator User
To log in as the Supervisor Administrator, enter the Supervisor address into a browser from within your company network: http://server_name/supervisor. Click Log In and you will be redirected to the ayfie Authority Service page.
Enter the 'supervisor_admin' user to the Username field in Local Login. And the password set when creating the user in the Password field in Local Login. Upon a successful login you will be redirected back to Supervisor.
Note that the external login in the screenshot will only be displayed if Azure AD authentication is configured for Supervisor.
Changing the password
The password of the Supervisor Administrator can be changed from User Management in the Supervisor UI. You need to log in as the Supervisor Administrator to get the option to change the password. The password will be changed in the ayfie Authority Service.
Lost Password
The password can be reset. Please contact ayfie Support for assistance.
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