How to add manual field translations
How to add manual field translations
Known field translations are placed in the resx files called FieldTranslations.resx. But if you add your own field or you want to change a translation you can add your own. This will override existing resx translations if they exist for the same field.
If you want to add translations to fields you can add them to the Restservice app config file:
- <installationfolder>\ReportEngineService\Via.ReportEngine.RestServer.exe.config
Find or create a CultureElementCollection in CultureConfigSection for the cultures you want to translate, ex:
<CultureElementCollection Culture="en">
<add from="yourfieldname" to="My field translation"/>
<add from="lingo_org" to="Organisasjon"/>
<CultureElementCollection Culture="no">
<add from="yourfieldname" to="Min felt oversettelse"/>
<add from="lingo_org" to="Organisasjon"/>
Remember to restart the RestEngineService
, multiple selections available,