Search Scopes
Using the ayfie Locator Search Scopes is the easiest way to target your search for specific documents.
Search Scopes are built-in tools for quickly filtering and targeting your searches. When creating a Search Scope, you can provide specific search terms, as well as select one or more of the various refiners.
The enabled Search Scopes will be listed in the drop down menu in the Locator search bar and under the search bar.
To use a Search Scope, simply select it from the menu and type your search query. The active scope will be shown in the search bar. If you want to search another system area or search all sources, change the Search Scope menu to “Everything”.
At any point in your search, you can click the "+ Save as Scope" link at the top of the page to save your current search and selected refiners as a Search Scope. It will open the Search Scope creation window with your current search pre-populated. Provide a name for the scope and click “Save”.
Also you can create new scopes by defining them in User Management tool:
In User Management you can also change the order of the Scopes.
To change the order click and drag the scope into the position you want.
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