Search Context

Search Context

A search context defines a set of refiners. It can be connected to a search scope.

The default search context included all available refiners defined in the system.

Note that If no search contexts are configured, the default is used for all search scopes. 

There are scenarios where you might only want a subset of refiners for a scope.


To create a new search scope:

In Locator Administration, go to page http://localhost/Dashboard/Configuration/SearchContextList?se=1

  1. Click Create New Search Context
  2. Enter a Name (required)
  3. Enter a description
  4. If you want to override the global default search scope, tag Is Global Default
    (NB! The new search context will now be used for all Search Scopes unless you specify other contexts).
  5. Select the Refiners you want to display
  6. Confirm by clicking Create Search Context

To use the new Search Context, go to the list of Search Scope's

To change the search context of a search scope, click on the pen symbol.
Select the desired Search Context and Save

Use cases

E-mail search

  • Create refiners for Sender, Receiver, Subject
  • Create a search context with the following refiners:
    • Date Modified
    • Sources
    • Subject
    • Sender
    • Receiver
    • Is An Attachment
    • Has Attachment
    • Flags
    • Label
  • Create a Search Scope called Email and select Email Search Context and required file types

Project search

  • Create refiners for Project, Assignee, Priority, Status
  • Create a search context with the following refiners:
    • Date Modified
    • Sources
    • Project
    • Assignee
    • Priority
    • Status
    • Label
  • Create a Search Scope called Project and select Project Search Context and required file types

As we now have added several new refiners, you might want to change the default search context so all other scopes only use a subset of refiners.
Follow the steps under configuration and make sure to tag the Is Global Default option. Now, go to search scopes and edit the other scopes to use this new default. 
