Box.com Connector Release notes
Box.com Connector Release notes
Version 1.1.3
June 02, 2020, Supported Locator version(s): 2.10, 2.11, 3.0
Tasks Completed
- CFD-3575 BoxCom Connector - Remove dependency on the Frontier Service
Version 1.1.2
- CFD-2750 Publish Connectors to Connectors 2.9 Feed based on SDK 1.5
- SDK-280 Publish Connectors to Connectors 2.10 Feed based on SDK 1.6
Version 1.1.1
- CFD-2110 Box.com Connector - Fix issue matching Box.com user with AD user
- CFD-2103 Box.com Connector - Fix issue registering authsystem
- CFD-2404 Research: Check TLS 1.1 support in Box.com Connector
- Released on SDK 1.2
Beta release built on SDK 1.1
- [CFD-190] - BOXCOM - Add GlobalAssemblyInfo to all projects
- [CFD-436] - Boxcom - Fetchservice failed to start
- [CFD-437] - Boxcom - Fetchservice is not registering Identification system
- [CFD-438] - Boxcom - AdminWizard failed to start
- [CFD-439] - Boxcom - AdminWizard - Error with no message i GUI
- [CFD-449] - Boxcom - Deploy - FetchService missing some dlls
- [CFD-450] - Boxcom - Error in FetchService, ExpiringSecurityTokenExtensions
- [CFD-451] - Boxcom - Deploy - AdminWizard missing some dlls
- [CFD-456] - Boxcom - Deploy - Security plugin missing some dlls
- [CFD-460] - Boxcom - AdminWizard - AD credentials is not prepopulated in edit mode
- [CFD-621] - Box.Com - Error saving configuration in Admin Wizard
- [CFD-623] - Box - Can't get user tokens
- [CFD-627] - Box.Com - 1) Can't find pipeline plug in 2) no action on 'open folder' button
- [CFD-632] - Box.Com - Problem with refresh token
- [CFD-42] - Estimate remaining work on Box.com
- [CFD-295] - Boxcom - Change redirection endpoint in code + Box.com
- [CFD-296] - Boxcom - Apply for production status to Box.com
- [CFD-298] - Boxcom - Allow for the Frontier communication to be versioned so that the client / server can diverge
- [CFD-299] - Boxcom - Frontier> Check that we don't do anything we shouldn't (e.g. access tokens, client secrets etc)
- [CFD-300] - Boxcom - Verify that the client secret is unreadable through obfuscation process
- [CFD-445] - Boxcom - AdminWizard Locked out my account
- [CFD-448] - Boxcom - Strange messagebox in UserPage.cs
- [CFD-454] - Boxcom - Crawler- Error when Admin tries to impersonate it-self
- [CFD-457] - Boxcom - SecurityPlugin - Error getting usertokens
- [CFD-20] - Box.com - Productify the redirection endpoint