Acos Websak Connector Data Sheet
Release Notes
Acos Websak Connector Release Notes
Released Versions
- SDK 1.4 (ViaWorks 2.8)
- SDK 1.6 (Locator 2.10)
- SDK 1.7 (Locator 2.11)
Supported Versions
4.1. and higher
- Merknad is not supported
- Deleted items are not detected by ChangeSets.
- Security Updates on Dokument not detected by ChangeSets as nve_sistendret not updated when permission is changed. ACOS might add a fix for this in release.
Permissions needed
Acos Websak version: | The Acos Websak API is available in version 4.1 and newer | |
Acos Websak API license purcashed | Y/N | This is needed to use the Acos Websak API |
Acos.Websak.Mellomlag.Server.dll | Y/N | This is the Acos Websak API assembly. This is version spesific and the assembly for your version of Acos Websak is needed to configure the connector. If not available this needs to be fetched from Acos. |
Acos Websak API server | To be run on primary Locator server? | The Acos Websak API is a service that is hosting web page that delivers security tokens. This service can run on any server. Depending on the size of the Acos Websa k installation and version this service can consume from 1GB-8GB memory. |
ACOS Websak database server | IP or DNS name | |
ACOSWebsak database name | Source database | |
Sql Authentication user username | username | SQL Autentication User. Need db_reader to source database |
Sql Authenticationuserpassword | The password for the Username. Can also be sent on e-mail or sms. | |
Active Directory user | domain\username | This user is running the Acos Websak Security Service and need to be able to log in to Websak. This user is mapped to Acos Websak user described below. |
Active Directory user password | ||
Acos Websak user | username | An Acos user with full permissions in Acos Websak: En mapping av AD-bruker til Acosbruker. AD-bruker må altså mappes til en Acos-bruker(feltet ntbruker må fylles ut i identitetsregistert) med fulle rettigheter i WebSak |
Arkivdeler fra Websak som skal indekseres | SA, Pers, etc.. | Which arkivdel to be indexed. The following query can be used to get all arkivdeler: select nad_arkdel from nad_arkivdel |
The name of the connection | This name will be the display name on the connection displayed for the users on the search hits. | |
Acos Appstarter | Y/N | This needs to be available on users client machines to open search hits. If not available you need to contact Acos. |
Routine for upgrades of Acos Websak | Verify with Locator support that the new Acos Websak version is compliant with Locator Acos Websak connector. | Since Acos Websak API is version specific the Locator connector needs to reconfigured for every Acos Websak upgrade. Need to set a routine for how to handles upgrades |
- Customer needs license to the Acos API
- The connector uses Acos Appstarter for opening search hits. The users need this installed on client to be able to open search hits. Please contact ayfie support if needed.
Supported Data Types
The connector supports indexing the following data types:
- Sak (Case)
- Journalpost (RegistryEntry)
- Dokument (Dokument)
Crawl Methods
Full Crawl: The Connector supports scheduling periodic full scans of the source system.
Incremental Crawl: Supported
Not required.
Other information
The Acos.Websak.Mellomlag.Server.dll used by the Acos Websak SecurityCacheService can be version dependent. The assembly might need to be upgraded in ViaWorks/Locator when Acos Websak is upgraded.
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