Acos Websak Connector: Other
Configure Acos Websak SecurityCacheService
- Make sure the Acos Websak Security Cache Service is built with the correct API version.
- Extract the zip file to <<Program Files>>\ayfie\Locator \AcosWebsakSecurityCacheService
- Install it as a service using the following command:
- Sc create Via.AcoswebsakSecurityCache.Service binPath="<<Program Files>>\ayfie\Locator \AcosWebsakSecurityCacheService\Via.Connector.Dbc.AcosWebsak.SecurityCacheService.exe" DisplayName="Locator Acos Websak SecurityCache Service"
- Set the Startup type to Automatic
- Create encrypted password Via.Connector.Dbc.AcosWebsak.SecurityCacheService.exe –encrypt for config file
- Add correct values to Via.Connector.Dbc.AcosWebsak.SecurityCacheService.exe.config
- Add configuration values to Via.Connector.Dbc.AcosWebsak.SecurityCacheService.exe.config
- Using Test setting in config the service can be tested using: http://localhost:9966/acoswebsak/tokens/documents/1.
- Enable Production setting and start service
For the version + security cache service is installed by the connector. However, the configuration values needs to be modified manually.