ayfie Dashboard Manager
The Dashboard Manager displays a table of all dashboards that you have created and those created by other users that are public.
The Dashboard Manager provides several options to search and sort the dashboard table. To sort by a column, click the column header to sort in ascending or descending order.
By default, 5 rows are displayed per page. The number can be changed by updating the "Number of rows" field in the top right corner.
If the rows don't fit on one page, links to the additional pages appear under the table.
You can also search for a specific dashboard by using the search field in the top right corner.
The action menu provides these options:
Edit the dashboard
Delete the dashboard
Open the selected dashboard in the Dashboard View
Set As Default
Select the dashboard as the default one
Create a new dashboard
Click the + icon to open the New Dashboard window
Give the new dashboard a Name (required) and Description (Optional)
Choose a report to associate with the dashboard
Only 1 report can be associated with each dashboard
Check whether to make the new dashboard the default dashboard and/or public
If a dashboard is made public and set as the default, it will become the default for all users
If a dashboard is kept private and made the default, it will override the public default dashboard for only the current user
Click Save when finished
Next view the new dashboard and add widgets. See the Widgets specific guides for setting up new widgets.