ayfie Dashboard View
When navigating to the Dashboard module for the first time, the only option is to view the Dashboard Manager where a new dashboard can be created. Once a dashboard has been created, navigating to the dashboard page will display the default dashboard. If a public dashboard is set as default, it becomes the default for all users unless a user sets a private dashboard as their personal default.
The name of the displayed dashboard appears in a drop down navigation menu at the top of the page. This menu displays the available dashboards and allows the user to switch between them. The default dashboard can be changed in this menu by clicking the check-mark.
The tool bar includes buttons for:
Viewing the Dashboard Manager
Adding a widget to the currently displayed dashboard. When a new widget is selected, the settings window will be displayed to configure the new widget.
Saving any changes made to the dashboard such as adding, removing, changing or reorganizing widgets
Changing report snapshot from the report history that is being presented in the widgets allowing you to view historic data.
Running the report associated with the dashboard to generate a new report snapshot. When the report snapshot is finished, the dashboard will display the new data
The main section of the dashboard view is the widgets. Each widget can be configured separately and reorganized by dragging and dropping them. See the ayfie Widgets article for details configuring the various types of widgets.
Live Data in Report History
One option in the Report History is the "Live Data" option. The "Live Data" option will read it's information directly from the index, instead of reading information from a report snapshot, and thus have less functionality than a fully generated report snapshot. Only the Total Count operation is available for "Live Data".