Ruby Datum Connector Data Sheet
Ruby Datum Connector Data Sheet
Release Notes
Released Versions
- SDK 1.6 (Locator 2.10 and Locator 2.11)
- SDK 3.0 (Locator 3.0)
- A license for the Ruby Datum Connector is required
- A license for Ruby Datum is required
- Client ID and Client Secret are required
Supported Data Types
The connector supports indexing the following data types:
Crawl Methods
Full Crawl: The Ruby Datum Connector supports scheduling periodic full scans of the source system.
Incremental Crawl: The Ruby Datum Connector supports incremental crawls of the source system.
Not required.
Other information
If Ruby Datum connector is being used on Windows Server 2012 R2 or older, and the operating system is using 32 bit architecture then you have to perform additional step after connector installation. In the ...Program Files\ayfie\Locator\RubyDatum directory you have to delete libcurl.dll file and then rename libcurl32bit.dll to libcurl.dll. Repeat this for ...Program Files\ayfie\Locator\Admin\Custom\RubyDatum\Wizard location as well.
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