IMAP Connector: Adding a New Connection

IMAP Connector: Adding a New Connection

Connection Name Page

Setting NameDescription
Display NameThe name of the connection.

Connection Page

Setting Name
IMAP Hostname

Hostname of the IMAP Server.

PortPort used by IMAP Server. Default value is 993.
Auditor Account LoginLogin name for the index user (auditor) that has been created as a prerequisite on this page.
Auditor Account PasswordPassword for the index user (auditor) that has been created as a prerequisite on this page.
Message Batch SizeNumber messages returned by single request to IMAP Server. It is recommended to leave the default value unless there is good reason for the change.

Security Page

Setting Name
UsernameActive Directory username
PasswordActive Directory user's password
DomainActive Directory domain

Security Mapping Page

This page is divided into 4 parts:

  • Active Directory User Property selection
  • Active Directory User Property transformation rule definition
  • IMAP Folder Property selection
  • IMAP Folder Property transformation rule definition

Connector assigns security tokens for documents based on this configuration. When selected AD user property is equal to the selected IMAP Folder property then said folder and all mails directly inside of it will get that AD user's token. The comparison is case insensitive.

Active Directory User Property

Defines which Active Directory property should be used when mapping users to IMAP folders. Available options:

  • Email address - folder gets user's SID if its selected property matches any value in following AD DS properties: proxyaddresses, mail or userPrincipalName
  • User Principal Name - folder gets user's SID if its selected property matches userPrincipalName AD DS property
  • Other - folder gets user's SID if its selected property matches AD DS property typed in the box

IMAP Folder Property

Defines which IMAP Folder property should be used when mapping to AD users. Available options:

  • Mailbox Name - name of the root folder the current folder is inside
  • Folder Full Path - value containing all folder names from root folder to the current folder
  • Folder Name - name of the current folder

Important note: All mails inside a folder will share the same security tokens. Mapping cannot be performed on a single mail message.

Transformation rule definition

Sometimes AD user's property and IMAP folder's property are not exactly equal but could be easily normalized. Property transformation rule definition sections allow to specify some actions that should performed on both properties before comparing them. You can build transformation rule using following actions:

Transformation Action
Add Prefix
PrefixAdds constant value at the beggining of the input
Add Suffix
SuffixAdds constant value at the end of the input
RegexPatternSearches the input for the first occurence of the specified pattern
Replace Pattern



Replaces all specified pattern matches with specified replacement

This page also contains some template transformation for AD User properties that could be either self-sufficient or could be used as a starting point for creating the rule.

Under Transformation rule verification you can provide any input to test if the created rule is working as expected. Additionally after pressing Perform test mapping button wizard will go through all folders auditor has access to and perform test mapping with current transformation rules. In the logs you will see to which user(s) each folder has been mapped to.

File Type Page

Setting Name
File Type to index

Select file types Only the most common file types are included by default.

The file extension to index. The options are:

  • Index all file types (default)
    • This one will by default index ALL files, regardless of the file format
    • For file types associated with the built-in DocFilter content filter, all text content available will be indexed
    • For other file types, only available metadata (like file name and path) will be indexed
  • Index selected file types only
    • Will only index the file types listed in the dialog
  • Exclude selected file types
    • Will index everything - except the file types defined in the list
