Microsoft Dynamics AX Connector: Adding a New Connection

Microsoft Dynamics AX Connector: Adding a New Connection

Connection Name Page


Setting NameDescription
Display NameThe name of the connection.

Connection Settings Page

Setting Name
ServerThe database server.
PortDefault 1433. Use 0 if named instance.
DatabaseThe name of the Microsoft Dynamics AX database.
Use integrated securityYes/No.
User NameIf integrated security a Active Directory user with read to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. If not integrated security a SQL Authentication User with read access to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database.
PasswordThe password of index user.
Connection timeout (in seconds)Advanced options. Default 15.
Command timeout (in seconds)Advanced options. Default 30.
Database SchemaThe schema of the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. Usually dbo.

Microsoft Dynamics AX Settings Page

Setting Name
Site urlURL to Microsoft Dynamics AX Enterprise Portal.
Vendor invoice page nameName of vendor invoice journal table that appears when viewing list of vendor invoices in Enterprise Portal URL similar to  http://<server_name>/sites/DynamicsAx/EPVendInvoiceJournalInfo.aspx.
Vendor page nameName of vendor table that appears when viewing list of vendors in Enterprise Portal URL similar to http://<server_name>/sites/DynamicsAx/EPVendTableInfo.aspx.
Customer invoice page nameName of customer invoice journal table that appears when viewing list of customer invoices in Enterprise Portal URL similar to http://<server_name>/sites/DynamicsAx/EPCustInvoiceJournalInfo.aspx
Customer page nameName of customer table that appears when viewing list of customers in Enterprise Portal URL similar to http://<server_name>/sites/DynamicsAx/EPCustTableInfo.aspx.

File Type Page

Setting Name
File Type to index

Select file types Only the most common file types are included by default.

The file extension to index. The options are:

  • Index all file types (default)
    • This one will by default index ALL files, regardless of the file format
    • For file types associated with the built-in DocFilter content filter, all text content available will be indexed
    • For other file types, only available metadata (like file name and path) will be indexed
  • Index selected file types only
    • Will only index the file types listed in the dialog
  • Exclude selected file types
    • Will index everything - except the file types defined in the list
