Domino Connector: Adding a new connection
To index a Domino Server, all you have to do is to start the IBM Domino New Connection Wizard.
Start by launching the Locator Management Dashboard and click on Connections.
To create a new Data Connection, click the 'Connection actions' link and select 'Add' to launch the configuration wizard.
Connection Configuration Wizard
Adding / Editing a connection can be a straight-forward process. Starting with the Display Name Setting and connection settings.
Setting Name Description Display Name The name of the connection. Server The server name or IP address for the connection Password The Notes session password for the user id file used for the Notes Client on the local server Start Path The Start Path for the database directory on the Domino server. This is typically used to index all corporate mailboxes
Include all databases "Include all databases" checkbox will automatically select all databases for the user and will index any database subsequently added after the initial index
LDAP Server The LDAP Server if the LDAP is hosted on another server or port
Select the Domino user directory public address book. Currently, this option only allows selecting the 'names.nsf' file.
This option will be expanded in future releases.Setting Name Description User directory public address book Domino's contact file name On the Next Page, you can select all databases or select specific databases to be indexed, set Max Sampling Time and there
is also a checkbox to limit indexing by Dimino view.Setting Name Description Limit indexing by Domino view This option will be used to limit the amount of documents indexed to only those that appear in the view
Max Sampling Time After this time, sampling process will be interrupted
Sampling process iterating through checked databases and their documents, discovering available forms
If you check 'Limit indexing by Domino view', select the view from the drop down list.
This Connection Wizard window is only displayed if the check box for limiting the index by Domino view was
The Connection Wizard will take some time (up to 'Max Sampling Time', depending on the number of selected databases and document inside them)
to search for a sampling of forms and corresponding metadata/content fields to display.On the Next Page, you can select the forms and fields to be included in the index. You have the option to select all the metadata
and content fields for each form, by checking the 'All meta data' and/or 'All content' checkboxes, or select them individually.
You can also add additional forms and fields if the sampling does not return the desired form in the 'Max Sampling Time' to
search the existing databases. By entering the Universal ID of a document, you can then click the 'Add sample document'
button and the corresponding form will appear in the 'Forms' list. You will then be able to check the checkbox for that form
and select the desired metadata and content.If you select form without title, you will get error message and you won't be able to go to the next Wizard page.
To fix it, you have to choose field which will be used as title and edit cell in 'Title Rank' column by entering '1'.
The search results user interface can be configured within the Connection Wizard.
Specific fields can be selected to be displayed within the search results template.
Only fields selected for metadata, checked during step before, can be used.On the next page you can enable Change Set indexing. This is a more efficient method of indexing as the connector
receives and indexes new and changed documents without needing to wait for the next full crawl.Proceed by selecting which file types to index, then complete the wizard by clicking 'Finish' button.
This wizard screen allows you to select the file types to include or exclude.
The options are:
- Index all file types
- This one will by default index ALL files, regardless of the file format
- For file types associated with the built-in DocFilter content filter, all text content available will be indexed
- For other file types, only available metadata (like file name and path) will be indexed
- Index selected file types only (default)
- Will only index the file types listed in the dialog
- Exclude selected file types
- Will index everything - except the file types defined in the list
- Index all file types
Upon clicking the Finish button the wizard is concluded, and the Locator Server will be ready for scheduling the Domino connections you have created.
As soon as the connection wizard is finished, you will be returned to the Domino connections overview page in the Management Dashboard.
You can click the options Edit or Actions to change, disable or schedule individual Domino connections.
Search Profiles
When created new data connections, please remember to add the connection to one of your existing search profiles, or create a new search profile.
The default indexing schedule is continuous.
To change this, please go to the Locator Management Dashboard: Connections > Scheduling
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