Infotjenester Connector: Adding a New Connection

Infotjenester Connector: Adding a New Connection


Connection Configuration Wizard

  1. Adding / Editing a connection can be a straight-forward process. Starting with the Display Name Setting.

    Setting NameDescription
    Display Name

    The name of the connection. 

  2. On the Next Page, enter Infotjenester Endpoint Address, ExternalId and Company Guid.

    Setting NameDescription
    Infotjenester Endpoint AddressInfotjenester Endpoint Address (https://examplephb.phb.no/Customer.asmx?wsdl)
    External IdRegistered External Id
    Company GuidRegistered Company Guid
    Operation Timeout ValueTime period within which an operation must complete or an exception is thrown (in minutes)
  3. If you want to use Direct Login, check "Use Direct Login" checkbox and enter Direct Login Key.

  4. If you want to use Allow All Security, check "Use Allow All Security" checkbox. If you don't want
    to use Allow
    All Security, choose AD groups which will get access to all Infotjenester's items.

  5. Proceed by selecting which file types to index, then complete the wizard by clicking 'Finish' button.

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