Maconomy Connector: Adding a New Connection
Maconomy Connector: Adding a New Connection
Startup Page
Setting Name | Description |
Connection Name | The name of the connection. |
Connection Page
Setting Name | Description |
Server | The database server. |
Port | Default 1433. Use 0 if named instance. |
Database | The name of the Maconomy database. |
Use integrated security | Defines whether integrated security should be used. |
User Name | If integrated security a Active Directory user with read to the Maconomy database. If not integrated security a SQL Authentication User with read access to the Maconomy database. |
Password | The password of index user. |
Database Schema | The schema of the Maconomy database. Usually dbo. |
Settings Page
Setting Name | Description |
Open hits option | Defines how hits should be opened. The following options are valid:
Maconomy Servername | The servername of maconomy server if Web has been selected as open hits option. |
File Type Page
Setting Name | Description |
File Types to Index | The file extension to index. Options are All, List of selected or list of excluded. |
, multiple selections available,