Maconomy Connector: Adding a New Connection

Maconomy Connector: Adding a New Connection

Startup Page


Setting NameDescription
Connection NameThe name of the connection.


Connection Page


Setting Name
ServerThe database server.
PortDefault 1433. Use 0 if named instance.
DatabaseThe name of the Maconomy database.
Use integrated securityDefines whether integrated security should be used.
User NameIf integrated security a Active Directory user with read to the Maconomy database. If not integrated security a SQL Authentication User with read access to the Maconomy database.
PasswordThe password of index user.
Database SchemaThe schema of the Maconomy database. Usually dbo.

Settings Page


Setting NameDescription
Open hits option

Defines how hits should be opened. The following options are valid:

  • Web
  • Application
Maconomy ServernameThe servername of maconomy server if Web has been selected as open hits option.


File Type Page


Setting NameDescription
File Types to IndexThe file extension to index. Options are All, List of selected or list of excluded.
