Maconomy Connector: Security

Maconomy Connector: Security

Authentication and Identification

The connector relies on the default Locator Active Directory Authentication and Identification Plugin that gets the users' Security Identifiers (SIDs) from Active Directory.

All Maconomy users will get the role "Everyone" and those who got access to "all windows" in Maconomy will get the role "Administrators".

Document types security model:

  • Customer invoice - Everyone got access to all customers
  • Customer - Everyone got access to all customers
  • Project - All users with an admin-role(*) have access to all projects. All users got access to projects marked as "public".
  • Vendor Invoice - All users with an admin-role(*) and responsible user for invoice got access


Scope: maconomy

Tokens: MaconomyEveryone/Administrator


Share Security

Not in use.

Document Security

Scope: maconomy

Tokens: MaconomyEveryone/Administrator
