Jo Filarkiv Connector: Security
Authentication and Identification
FilArkiv is configures with access controll via Active Directory (AD). The connector relies on the default Locator Active Directory Authentication and Identification Plugin that gets the users' Security Identifiers (SIDs) from Active Directory.
Scope: AD
Tokens: The Active Directory Security Identifiers (SIDs) of the user and groups.
Share Security
Not in use.
Document Security
Scope: AD
Tokens: The Active Directory Security Identifiers (SIDs) of the user and groups.
User groups and confidential documents
In December 2015 all AD user groups at our first customer had access to read all byggesak documents. The connector is now set up to support these security settings, but this may be altered for other customers. Filarkiv may also be configured so that only members of certain groups have access to read confidential (fortrolige) documents. Name of groups and access privileges vary depending on the customer. The Group names are given (and currently hard coded) in the connector and their access level can be defined, by ticking the check boxes, in the Admin Wizard (see below). The set values are compared against the users AD groups, to determine if the confidential documents are displayed in the user search.