HighQ Connector: Adding a New Connection

HighQ Connector: Adding a New Connection


Connection Configuration Wizard

  1. Adding / Editing a connection can be a straight-forward process. Starting with the Display Name Setting.

    Setting NameDescription
    Display Name

    The name of the connection. 

  2. On the Next Page, enter Api URL, Application parameters and then click 'Connect' button.

    Setting NameDescription
    HighQ Api URLHighQ instance URL (https://INSTANCE_NAME.highq.com/INSTANCE_NAME)
    Application IdRegistered Application Id
    Application TokenRegistered Application Token
    Redirect URL

    Redirect URL is provided during Application registration process.

    This is an optional setting, so if the system administrator does not provide a value in redirect URL,

    then the API client can use any valid URL as the redirect URL during the OAuth step 2 (e.g http://www.highq.com)

  3. Then enter HighQ instance admin credentials and click 'Sign in' button.

  4. Click 'Allow' button.

  5. Then you should get information that you received Access and Refresh tokens.

  6. There is also other flow on 2nd page of Admin Wizard.

    Enter HighQ Api URL, Application Id, Application Token, Redirect URL, check 'Enter Authorization Code manually' checkbox
    and enter manually generated Authorization Code to textbox below. Then click 'Connect' button and you should see
    'Access and Refresh token received' status. Authorization Code can be used only once and expires after 30 minutes.
    If you enter wrong or expired Authorization Code, you will get 'Unable to get Access and Refresh tokens" status.

    To manually generate Authorization Code use URL:
    then log in to your HighQ instance and allow you Application to access to your data.

    You will be redirected to page specified in 'redirect_uri' parameter and you will get Authorization Code
    as 'code' parameter: REDIRECT_URL/?code=xxxxxxxxxx

  7. On the Next Page, enter credentials for Active Directory user.

  8. On the Next Page, choose if you want to enable Change Set or Indexing User data type.

  9. Proceed by selecting which file types to index, then complete the wizard by clicking 'Finish' button.
