NetDocuments Connector: Adding a New Connection

NetDocuments Connector: Adding a New Connection

Setting NameDescription
Connection NameThe name of the connection.

Setting NameDescription
NetDocuments Api URLThe API URL
NetDocuments Base URLThe base url
Application IdThe id of the application
Application TokenThe token of the application
Redirect UrlThe redirect url
Local Server urlCan be found in: "\ayfie\Locator\NetDocuments\Via.NetDocuments.Server.exe.config" Default value: http://localhost:9944

Based on the NetDocuments documentation, the following API URLs can be used:

and the Base URLs:

Setting NameDescription
Windows User NameThe username
Windows DomainThe domain
Windows passwordThe password

Setting NameDescription
Identification SystemSelect the identification system that will be used in order to authorize users. 

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